Registered Supplier Database

Container Fraud Supplier Verification

Container Fraud Supplier Verification allow you to search by Company Name, Email, Address etc, then type your search term in the search field.

Companies Registered with Container Fraud Prevention will be displayed in the CFP column and you can click the page link to visit the suppliers page. If the link is not clickable the company is not a registered CFP member unless indicated (Some companies have been the victim of hacking and Domain fraud). 

For Supplier Registrations please Click Here

Registered Members

Speed Space


 Premium Member / 254 views

 CFP Registered / 240 views

A&A Containers


 Premium Member / 351 views

 Premium Member / 74 views

Why become a Container Fraud Prevention Verified Supplier?

Containers are generally the last thing on the minds of small business owners, but fraud, scams and online fraud is infecting our industry like never before. By joining the Verified Container Suppliers community you are helping customers find your business, helping us keep track of fraudsters, and most importantly raising public awareness.


You can get in touch by sending us a email at


Want to get Registered? Visit Supplier Registration and submit your request for verification.


This site is proudly hosted and developed by The content listed on this site is community driven. All registered suppliers have been verified and listed credentials are maintained by each supplier.

Container Fraud Prevention