Security | How Secure is your Browser?

Brave Browser

What is Browser Security Anyway?

Browser security is the application of Internet security to web browsers in order to protect networked data and computer systems from breaches of privacy or malware. 

Security exploits of browsers often use JavaScript — sometimes with cross-site scripting (XSS)[

One | sometimes with a secondary payload using Adobe Flash.
Two | Security exploits can also take advantage of vulnerabilities (security holes) that are commonly exploited in all browsers including:


  • Mozilla Firefox,
  • Google Chrome,
  • Opera,
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer,
  • and Safari.

How to Protect yourself from exploits?

Review your browser’s privacy and security settings to make sure you’re comfortable with what’s checked or unchecked

Frequently, browser updates are released to plug recently discovered security holes. So it’s important to always keep any browsers you use updated.

Be cautious when installing plug-ins.

Make sure you have an Anti Virus program installed.

Tracking & Advertising

From the perspective of website owners and of trackers, it provides desirable functionality, including personalization, site analytics, and targeted advertising.

Without trackers, an e-commerce website will have to treat every user as a stranger and would be unable to present personalized content.

Alternative Browsers?

After a lengthy investigation, testing and trail of the Brave Browser we can certainly recommend it. Built on Google Chrome Platform its very similar but with a BIG difference.

The vast bulk of websites and ads include software that tries to identify you. They want to track your every move across the web. Brave blocks all this, allowing you to browse freely.

Brave Browser

Container Fraud Prevention is a registered Brave Contributor and support the browser, security and non-tracking of user data. Make the web a better place!

Container Fraud Prevention